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Gary Lewis

Spring Drive
Gary Lewis is a partner in Spring Drive–Taiwan's leading accelerator of university-connected start-ups. (www.thespringdrive.com). Gary began his business career in Los Angeles in 1987 at McKinsey & Co., and has advised ~200 global corporations and trained their top achievers, including at the Hartman Group which he co-founded. Gary has built three companies (two failures and one successful M&A exit).

In 2001, Gary began advising start-ups in Los Angeles, Seattle and the Silicon Valley. Gary moved to Taiwan in 2005, where he's trained over 1,500 business professionals from ~250 large corporations. Since 2007 Gary has coached several C-Suite executives from premier global and Taiwan firms.

Recently, Gary shifted focus to his entrepreneurial passion: this past year he has trained and/or advised 160 Taiwan start-ups at ITRI (工研院), III (資策會), FITI (科技部), SMEA (中小企業處), NCTU (交大), NTU (臺大), Providence University (靜宜大學) and Taipei Venture Network. He trains investor pitching, competitive strategy, and has become Taiwan's top trainer in Lean Start-up.

Gary co-founded RisingU to help young people advance & innovate in corporations to prepare as future entrepreneurs. Over 500 entrepreneurs, students, young professionals and investors have joined his trainings and coaching sessions.

Gary also frequently serves as a pitch judge and feedback coach. Gary is the founder of 新流創, has an MBA from the Anderson School (UCLA) and has taught in two US MBA programs. Gary trains in both English and Mandarin, championing the most globally advanced (and enjoyable!) interactive learning methods. He enjoys climbing, biking and especially – Salsa dancing.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/gary-lewis/2b/2ba/4b8

My Speakers Sessions

Thursday, October 8

5:30pm CST